Monday, June 25, 2007

Some pics of Tom per Sqarepegs request!

Tom and Sarah in Nanning, China.
Tom and Sarah on Gotcha Day.

Tom at the People's Park of Nanning, China.

Tom and Kathy at Sarah's finding spot in Qinzhou City, China.

Tom and Kathy on a tour in Beijing, China.

Tom and Kathy at the Beijing airport.

Tom and Kathy in October of 1987.

Tom's eyes.
Okay, well, I was given some grief by Squarepeg that I don't have any photos of Tom on the blog. Well, here is how I look at it. First, Tom makes up 1/7 of the family. So, do I give him 1/7th of blog space? No. Second, Tom has a full-time job. He spends plenty of time with the family...he's a great dad! But, if you calculate that in a 24-hour period, he has awake time with his family for about 3.5 hours on a weekday and a bit more on weekends. So, during the week, that would be about 15% of the day. Does he get 15% of the blog space? No. The other issue is that when the entire family is together, typically Tom is the photographer....thus the reason for more photos of me with the kids. There is also the "cute factor." I have the camera at my disposal 24/7. The majority of my time is spent with the cutest family members....Sarah and Lily. So, it makes sense that there would be more photos of them. Next, I have our boys. I love them just as much, but to be quite honest, they aren't around near as much as the girls! Plus, the girls are much cuter than the boys! Before you think I'm not being a good mom, know that they would agree completely! Seeing that Tom and I are the ugliest of the seven, it makes sense to not put as many photos of us on the blog! Of course, there is also the "time factor." Blogging can take a bit of time. As for photos, I have to transfer them to the computer and then upload them on to blogger.....taking a bit of time in this busy life of mine. I desire to please the viewer of the blog, so it makes sense that I would spend this time wisely by uploading photos of the important five Alexanders. Really, who wants to check our blog to look at the parents anyway?! But in case anyone is concerned, Tom is doing quite well within the family unit (gotta love Raising Arizona!). So, let me give you a picture in words:
Tom is a wonderful husband. He loves me more than I deserve to be loved. He likes to make me happy and knows that means several things. It means Sugar Bear Pizza when he'd prefer Donatos. It means coffee ready in the morning where I am required to only get a cup ready and open the spout to pour the coffee. It means not whistling in the morning when I'm in earshot. It means doing the dishes when he doesn't feel like doing the dishes (yes, my love language is acts of service! It means being patient and kind when I dont' deserve either.
Tom is a wonderful father! He loves his children deeply. It means going to the games, the concerts, the meetings for one thing or another. It means placing the girls on his shoulders when he is really too tired to put them there. He has meaningful talks about the Lord and life with them. He prays with them and over them. He reads that silly princess book over and over again to two girls that want to sit on his lap and have him read it over and over again! It means going without so they can have some of the things they desire. It means disciplining them when it may not be the most pleasant thing to do. One of the best things he does for his kids, is love their mother!
Tom is simply a good guy. He loves God and humbly tries to be faithful to God in his work, his family and in all aspects of his life. Integrity is important to him. When he does mess up, he makes the situation right. I can't think of a better guy to be my husband and the father of my kids!
That's just a little picture of Tom.


Pixel Fairy Princess said...

That was sweet :D
LOL ~ Okay ~ got to ask because someone just made this comment to us, how many shirts did Tom take to China ~ I count 2? Dan and I each had three outfits ~ Who needs more :D

Jeff and Madeline said...

I love it Kathy. He sounds pretty great and I know you wouldn't have it any other way! Awesome story on Tom!

However, I do recall someone mentioning to me that I had no pics of myself on my blog--only Jeff!

Anonymous said...

We don't always tell our closest love that they are appreciated or that we recognize their efforts. What a gift to Tom and what a treasure he is to all of you.
