Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm back.............

This is Madeline on the left. She and Sarah were fostered through the same orphanage in China...A Mothers Love. I got to know Wendy via internet since we were getting our girls about the same time through from the same place. It has been great to develop a friendship with them since they live near my mother in lovely northeastern Ohio! Sarah was out of sorts over something, but I like this photo anyway!
This is Lily and Sarah with two of their cousins.

Dane is hanging out with the boys! The driver is Brandon, a cousin. Geo, another cousin, on on Dane's right. The other boy is a buddy of Dane's...Brant.

This is Lily with some of "the boys." "The Boys" is the term used to categorize the five cousins that beling with Ron and Julie. Julie is Tom's sister. She has eleven children and "the boys" are th younger five. This photo has four of them in it.

Tom took the girls up to the farm to celebrate the birthday of their Great Grandpa Thomas. I think it was number 95!

The girls love Pokey and Jenny...the donkey's on the farm!

I spent a few days up home, but didn't take the camera with me. My mom came back with us and I took one photo! What's the deal with me? This is the one photo. Sarah got up one morning and got in bed with her Grandma Flo.

This is a picture of one of our hair challenges. Sarah got this comb stuck in her hair. This was my first experience of getting a comb out of the hair...oh my!

What a mess!


I went out with some friends tonight and came home to the girls in the tub. It was so cute to see Lily washing Sarah's hair! I even made a video and will try to upload it. Lily was pretending to be "Alecia." Alecia is my friend that does all of our hair. Sarah was being Cinderella. She loves Cinderella! In fact, Sarah turns three on July 7th and is insisting on a Cinderella party. Oh how my life has changed! I love it!


Jeff and Madeline said...

Love the video! And of course the pic of my girl with yours!
Looks like a fun time around your house--so tell me, is that an uber cool triangle shaped tub or is it the angle?

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

OMG ~ LiLi did that same comb move and I thought that we were going to have to cut it out! I was almost in tears and she was screaming!

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Hey ~ do you have a link to Wendy's blog for Madaline? I just clued into the fact that she is from ML and would love to follow it.