Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Photos

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Eight Is Enough

Fast forward to 2006……..
Here they are! There’s Bill….one time the tallest…not so anymore..but he can still hold his baby brother Buzz on his hip! Bill is now a Social Worker and Minister. There’s Bob. Not only did he grow 11 inches after high school, he also grew a beard. As you can see, baby Karla grew a bit, too. Bob can still hold her in his arms though. Bob is postal….really. Maybe that isn’t funny. Sorry, Bob. Bob works for the Post Office in McDonald, Ohio. There’s Kimmy. Compare the lips from the two photos…still the same! She’s attempting to be the loving sister over Kara, but it is more difficult since Kara is taller than Kimmy. Kimmy is on staff at a resort in Arizona. There’s Karen with that same goofy look! She’s sad that she can only watch Little House on some obscure cable channel now in the middle of the afternoon. Karen keeps busy with her family and helping take care of Karla’s kids. Kara no longer has that innocent cute face. Look at her…she’s much wiser now ‘cause she is a school teacher that has to be two steps ahead of her second graders! There’s me with that silly look. Am I looking up at my bangs or just pondering what life would have been like as an only child? Boring, I’m certain. You all know what I’m up to…overeducated, SAHM of five kids. Look at Buzz….still has those fingers in his mouth. He’s as big as the Navy man now! Buzz is in management at a Value City in Ohio. Then there is the baby of the family…still a firecracker….still a red head until the grey starts coming in soon. She’s a Social Worker, too.
We could all tell stories that would make you wonder why anyone would have eight kids. Mom, she did a great job considering what she had to work with!!!! J Dad, if he was able to look down at us on that cold night this December, he’d probably say, “None of you are right in the head.” I’m certain he’d then pull out his white hanky to dry the tears as his belly would jiggle as he’d get emotional thinking, “I’m proud of them…all eight of them.” Eight is not enough….it’s just right!
Friday, December 22, 2006
This past Sunday we were able to celebrate Christmas with some of our friends. Aren't they all beautiful? All but two of these kids attend our church. The other photo is of Sarah with Hannah. Hannah joined our party along with her mom and dad, Tina and Scott. Hannah was in a foster home through A Mothers Love...the same orphanage that Sarah was with. They lived in Nanning together for the first part of their lives...before making their way to their forever families. It is fun to have connections with other kids from China! It is even more special to have a connection with another child from the same part of China!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Update on Sarah

Well, we've had some crazy days with Sarah lately. First, we have had several days of Sarah waking up with welts on her feet, ankles, knees and shoulder area. She also complains that her feet hurt a lot. She hates to wear shoes. So, do the feet really hurt or is that her two-year old way of saying "I don't want to wear those shoes?" We went to the doctor. Sarah was believed to be fine but the doctor wanted to run some blood tests to rule out some things. I won't bore you with the details. I will share that the test came back negative! Yeah! So it seems like Sarah has some odd virus. It is getting better each day. Second, we went to Children's Hospital yesterday to have her heart examined again. We are grateful that it has not gotten worse in the last six months. We were hoping it was completely closed, but that wasn't the case. We were also hoping we would be told to "come back once a year," but instead we were told, "See you in another six months." It is still a good report. The only other issue with Sarah is that she has been a real stinker lately. She is this sweet little girl that melts our hearts and brings laughter to our days. HOWEVER, she is also very stubborn and strong-willed. She can flip out in a moments notice and then camps out in screaming sessions for 20 minutes. These past two weeks have been crazy. She has had a number of these tantrums. They are usually over relatively minor issues.....brother gave her a drink when she wanted mom to give it to her, she wanted to pull her panties up but Mom did it, she doesn't want to sit in the chair at Tim Horton's but Mom tries to make her anyway. She is hoarse from all of the screaming! We have kept a crazy schedule lately with all three of the boys being on three different basketball teams and the boys also having band and choir concerts....not to mention all of the parties. I know that I need to be as consistent as possible with her, but that can be difficult because we have to be somewhere or I have the occasional weak moment. We are going to get through Christmas and try to buckle down with her. She is only 25 pounds, but she is mighty! It has been seven months since we have been home....not that terribly long of a time. She's doing amazingly well...considering. We still welcome the prayers of our friends and family.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
ENFJ....I figured as much!
You Are An ENFJ |
The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. |
Tom and I have taken the MBTI many times before. I took this from one of my internet buddies, Debbie. Thanks, Debbie. I wonder how we'd get along in person?! :) I was surprised that it actually came out to be the same typology of when I took the formal test years ago. Tom and I are both ENFJ's....although he is closer to being an introvert and I tend to weigh in heavy on the Extroversion. By the way, only 5% of the population is believed to be ENFJ. Aren't Tom and I special?!
On another note, Sarah has been to Children's again for her heart. We are running some blood tests on some other things. Once I have more answers, I'll post specifics. She is okay...not to worry.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Who would have thought? Oh, and there is hope!

God certainly has a sense of humor! I remember the days when I would make fun of (privately) the women at church that would show up at church dressed exactly like her daughter(s). So, here I am going to church this past Sunday making fun of myself because I was doing the same! Granted, it wasn't the jumpers from the late 80's/early 90's (no offense you jumper-wearing moms that dressed like your daughters back then!)! One of my favorite shop workers(Anne) in China talked me into it! I wanted matching outfits for the girls, but I didn't like anything that was pre-made. I picked the material and she made them for me. Before I paid for the two outfits, she suggested I get one to match. I almost laughted at her, but then I thought, "why not?" I thought this time of year would be a good time to bring out the green silk outfits!
Those of you who really know me understand the importance of the other photo! I am not what you would classify as the most girly girl in the world. I'm not big into fashion, makeup or doing my hair beyond the normal stuff. Don't get me wrong, I do wear make up, I do get my hair colored and I have even been known to wear a dress from time to time! One of my greatest passions besides my family, adoption/orphan relief and Bible study is SPORTS! Yes, I love sports! My girls are so girly girl. They can play with play hair dryers and fake make up for hours! One of theire favorite things to do is to pretend to do my hair...I don't enjoy it, but I do it. And they love to pretend to put polish on my toes and fingers...one takes the hands and one takes the feet. I was thrilled to look over this morning and see my girly girl Lily putting on fake make up..........look at her seat! Yeah!
I'm also trying to upload a video of Dane singing at church this past weekend. He has a brief solo in the beginning of the video. Don't feel like you have to watch the whole thing. He did a great job. He just has to smile more! He has Tom's musical giftedness and the serious-looking face of his mama!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Kathy Johnson Alexander, Class of 1985

I received only two items in the mail today. I thought that to be strange since we have started receiving Christmas cards from friends and family. The first item I looked at was the alumni magazine from the college I attended quite some time ago. I always enjoy looking at the new things happening there and looking to see the Alumni Notes section that breaks down each graduating class, highlighting some individual achievements in recent times. I usually go through a minor self-esteem issue when I read them. In the world’s eyes, I may not have accomplished much these days. I was well on my way in the early part of the 80’s. I finished my undergraduate degree in 1985 and literally within 24 hours had moved to my new Graduate Assistantship at Bowling Green State University. I finished my MA when I was 23 years old. I worked for a few years in higher education before something happened to me. I became a mother. All professional goals I had at the time literally went out the window! I struggled in the early years of being a stay-at-home-mom because I didn’t feel “important.” Over the years I’ve developed a greater appreciation for my decision and to be quite honest, I don’t care anymore. I’m where I am called by God to be at this time in my life. It is just that silly alumni magazine can get me thinking. Ah, but the other piece of mail followed!
Shaohannah’s Hope is a ministry started by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth. They sent us a copy of the booklet, “Miracles: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness in Adoption.” It is their version of “alumni notes” of little ones that have been blessed by the generosity of Shaohannah’s Hope in the form of financial grants. The book was full of different testimonies of families and their experience of adopting a child in need of a forever family. There were children from China, the United States, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Russia and other countries. All of the families of these children were given money from Shaohannah’s Hope to bring home their child. I was blessed to have just sat down to read the testimonies. Section titles of this booklet excite me! A Seed of Faith outlines the story behind the start of adoption in the Chapman family. Their daughter Emily challenged her parents to consider adoption. That small note from a young teenage girl resulted in three more Chapman’s coming into the family by way of China. It also started this huge ministry that helps families with adopting and challenges churches to create a ministry with an adoption/orphan relief focus. Other sections highlight adoptions from specific countries. I especially like the section titled “Hidden Treasures.” The Scripture verse of Isaiah 45:3 is written in red print, “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness-secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.” It is in this section that you would see the beautiful treasure we know as Sarah Alexander! Shaohannah’s Hope gave us a generous grant to help in the adoption expenses in our journey to bring Sarah home. We are so grateful to them for blessing us. I am grateful for them blessing me today. I am truly rich! It was not by accident that I would receive these two mailings today! Am I where I thought I’d be back in 1985 when I graduated from college? No. I’m in a better place than I could have ever imagined…..I’m right where God wants me! Why would I ever want to be someplace else? For it is in this place that I am blessed with riches like no other!
Shaohannah’s Hope is a ministry started by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth. They sent us a copy of the booklet, “Miracles: Testimonies of God’s Faithfulness in Adoption.” It is their version of “alumni notes” of little ones that have been blessed by the generosity of Shaohannah’s Hope in the form of financial grants. The book was full of different testimonies of families and their experience of adopting a child in need of a forever family. There were children from China, the United States, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Russia and other countries. All of the families of these children were given money from Shaohannah’s Hope to bring home their child. I was blessed to have just sat down to read the testimonies. Section titles of this booklet excite me! A Seed of Faith outlines the story behind the start of adoption in the Chapman family. Their daughter Emily challenged her parents to consider adoption. That small note from a young teenage girl resulted in three more Chapman’s coming into the family by way of China. It also started this huge ministry that helps families with adopting and challenges churches to create a ministry with an adoption/orphan relief focus. Other sections highlight adoptions from specific countries. I especially like the section titled “Hidden Treasures.” The Scripture verse of Isaiah 45:3 is written in red print, “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness-secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.” It is in this section that you would see the beautiful treasure we know as Sarah Alexander! Shaohannah’s Hope gave us a generous grant to help in the adoption expenses in our journey to bring Sarah home. We are so grateful to them for blessing us. I am grateful for them blessing me today. I am truly rich! It was not by accident that I would receive these two mailings today! Am I where I thought I’d be back in 1985 when I graduated from college? No. I’m in a better place than I could have ever imagined…..I’m right where God wants me! Why would I ever want to be someplace else? For it is in this place that I am blessed with riches like no other!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Build-A-Bear Trip

The long-awaited trip to Build-A-Bear finally came today! Sarah is not one to watch much television. This is a good thing...except when I need to get something done and need a temporary diversion! The only thing she really loves to watch on television is her DVD of "Big Bird in China." We have been talking about going to Build-A-Bear for some time. Our good friend Kathi Gilmore has been in town and she wanted to treat the girls to this building experience. Sarah absolutely loved getting her Big Bird! Lily enjoyed the building process, too! She now has a new friend that she has named "Barkley." When we returned, big brother Dane was reading to the girls so I'm including that as well.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hunting, a birthday and a post-placement

Well, I can't say that hunting has been something I have given much thought to....until the boys got to be a bit older. No one in my family ever hunted so I didn't know much about it. No one hunted in Tom's family either...unless you count killing those pesty groudhogs that invaded the crops every year...they were fair game. I took the boys to a hunter education course several years ago down at Anglers Paradise. I made sure to remind the boys that their mom scored higher on the exam than both of them! As interested as they were in hunting, we just never made connections for them to actually go. Our church started a new outreach this year focusing on several outdoor adventures. We allowed all three of them to go. The first meeting was target shooting. I knew they were in safe hands with this bunch of guys. They paired up the boys with a seasoned hunter for the youth day only deer days. I was out of town visiting friends in Charlotte when I got the first call from Tyler. He was 90 yards out and shot his first buck...a seven point. He was pretty psyched. Me? Well, I was just wondering how I was going to cook venicen. TJ was excited for his brother, but disappointed that he didn't get one. Dane took a shot at one, but missed. I was surprised that TJ decided to miss the Ohio State/Michigan game in order to take one more try at getting his first deer. Well, he got an eight point! He was excited, too! Me? I'm checking out recipes on the internet. Anyone wanting to come to dinner in the next year....BEWARE!!!
On another note, Tyler turned 14 today! Fourteen years ago I found myself overdue and rather uncomfortable. I settled in for what I thought was going to be another weekend of waiting. That Friday night I was enjoying a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (with a glass of milk) when I felt something start to happen. I told Tom that I thought it was time. I called the doctor and he recommended that I wait until morning. Tom decided he would just go on to bed. Within the hour I got Tom out of bed and was at the hospital. I went through six hours of labor and an emergency c-section at 6:00 a.m. to welcome....Tyler Dean Alexander! Happy Birthday, Ty!
And finally, we had our six-month post-placement with our Social Worker today. I can hardly believe that it has been six months since we got our hands on Sarah! It seems like we've had her much longer than that. She is truly a joy. She has come a long way since we first came home. I remember the first few weeks she would often look down and fiddle with her fingers as if she was so shy. Well, shy she isn't!
Photos: The one of Tyler is this years (8th grade) photo from school. I've included a picture of the boys with their catches from deer hunting on Saturday.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Noodles and Tea
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Jesus Loves Me...sung by Lily
We celebrated Lily's third birthday tonight. After most of our guests left, she allowed me to video tape her singing "Jesus Loves Me." Enjoy.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
What a difference two years will make!

Two years ago today we sat in a room with 12 other couples who would be getting their little girls at the same time that we got ours....our Gotcha Day for Lily! It was not a huge fanfare by any means, but a moment that will never be forgotten by either Tom or I. The process of adopting from a foriegn country is an interesting journey. What begins with chasing paper after paper to add to a dossier eventually leads to a referral. The difficult part of the journey is when you know the facts about your little girl..her looks, her birthdate, her location, her size...and yet you can't touch her or hold her. That was a long eight weeks! The room we were in was too small for so many people considering everyone had a camera, video camera and bags! At the moment they handed Lily to us....no one else existed in that room! That was our mement! We celebrate that day today! We love you, Lily!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
A Cat, A Dog, a Headless Man and plenty of Candy

Yes, I know I have more children then these two girls! TJ wasn't allowed to go trick-or-treating because I believe if you shave, you shouldn't be out there getting candy. He got the job of passing out the candy at our house. There is a picture of him doing his job posted above. He is wearing the Ohio State hat. (GO BUCKS!!!) Tyler didn't get to go either...even though he doesn't shave yet. I did let him walk around with his buddies though. Dane got to go, but he took off with friends and I never did get a picture of him dressed as Elvis. Lily was a beautiful cat and Sarah was a dog that refused to wear her tail or his ears. They enjoyed going to several houses saying "Trick or Treat" followed by a "Thank you."
Most of these pictures are of the girls. One of the pictures includes a deacon at our church....Scott. He is the headless man! We consider he and his wife Brenda to be good friends, although we may have a difficult time convincing the girls to go back there. Some of the pictures include our friend, Sue Johnson. Sue has three children that were able to take off on their own so she decided to help this one-armed mom with the girls. Thanks, Sue. Sue used to live really close to us, but moved recently. We miss them a lot even though they are just across town. It isn't all bad, the headless man bought their old house!
I promise to post photos of my boys soon!
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