Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God has truly blessed us!

I know I haven't blogged in a while, but this news is worthy of posting! Tom (and I) applied for a grant through a foundation (more details when I can give them) in 2008 and again in 2009. We did not get the grant in 2008, but received word yesterday that we got it this time around! I can't share the amount right now, but the grant proposal is very specific and it will cover our entire family going to China in the Spring for a combination of heritage tour, vacation, time of renewal, etc. Isn't that wild! Our family would never have been able to do such a thing without this grant.

Where are we going? Beijing to Xi'an. Xi'an to Guilin. Guilin to Yangshou. Yangshou to Nanning with a side trip to Qinzhou City. Nanning to Ghangzhou with a side trip to Yangjiang. The kids and I will return after 21 days and Tom will continue on to Vietnam for another week.



Adeye said...

Oh the blessings of the Lord--that is such amazing news :) Rejoicing with you.

Libby said...

This is amazing!!!

to sing and to dance (karen) said...

Please pray for my family. Life is giving us a lot of hardship right now. I feel a connection to you. And I know you have faith. Please pray for us. You can email me at mekaren @ citlink dot net to find out more. But if not, will you just pray for our family, knowing that we need God's strength now more than ever.