Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Day at Dai Loc

Entrance into the place we had lunch prior to going to the orphanage.

Lunch with the Brewers and the OV crew!

Entrance into the orphanage.

Toby sorting through some things brought for the kids.

Tob and I handing over some school supple one of the caretakers.

Sean Platt (FCC Member)
one of the walls in one of the rooms!

Room at Dai

dinner prep

shoe prep

They got to watch the movie "Joseph" as dinner was being finished.

What was left after the dinner! Bi did a wonderful job you can tell!
Thank you to Fairfield Christian Church for the school donations. A special thank you to Walker Shoes in Lancaster, Ohio for donating 58 pairs of shoes for the children and staff at Dai Loc and to the staff of OV!


Anonymous said...

We love you, K!! :)

Diane said...

OOPS....this will not surprise you, knowing my computer abilities....I'm "anonymous said:)"

So...we love, you, K!! :) again!!

Libby said...

Love seeing the pics! Supper looks great and seeing them with new shoes is really cool.
You look like you are "resting" while being incredibly busy!
How does that happen?