Monday, October 13, 2008

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Farm

The girls are in two different classes, but we pulled Lily out of her class so we could all be together. This is Sarah's class...the Fabulous Fish taught by Mrs. Kennedy.

No, that's not Feono, Shrek's's me!

Sarah was a bit frightened sitting on top of a pile of hey. Lily loved it!

Okay, so by the fourth and fifth kid, the field trips don'e seem as exciting...until you go! The girls loved the trip to Devine Farms. We started off with a lesson by the Queen Bee, Mrs. Devine! The girls enjoyed hearing about how important bees are to growing pumpkins. Who would have thought that farmers would rent bees to get those pumpkins growing! We then enjoyed a train ride of sorts through the corn fields. I look bigger than the car I was in because I AM bigger than the car I was in! We then headed over to the barn where the class got to go down the slide and play in a maze made out of bales of hey. We made our way over to the next building for a snack and some face painting. Our final stop was at the pole barn that had more riding toys than anyone could imagine! They also had a soy-box (sandbox, minus sand, add the soy).

My next post will be of our County Fair. We have the last county fair of the year for the state of Ohio. All of the county schools are closed for the week, and the city school takes two days off. Look in a few days for those fun photos.


Tara D. said...

I miss Fall. :-0

Anonymous said...

This is great! I've been missin' out all this time!
They are gorgeous and your guys are just as much! They have really grown!!!
Many smiles as I looked over the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, your Feona note just had me laughing:) YOU ARE FUNNY!!!

Gotta love being able to go on field trips.....still!!!! Let's see, now, how many more years of punkins do we have ahead of us???

Love you,K,