Sunday, October 12, 2008

Golf, Football and the Hole that Phil Dug

Here is the hole that Phil dug!

Here are some recent pictures from Ty's Sectional Golf Tournament, Dane's recent football game...and the hole that Phil dug.

As I have mentioned, Ty missed a spot in Districts by two strokes. One stroke better and he would have had a playoff with a few other guys. He psyched for the next golf season.

Dane has one more football game. I think they have tied once and won the rest. I have my hands full at games trying to watch the game and the girls. TJ hung out at this game so I enjoyed taking a few secret shots of him!

I don't have any pics from TJ's games. You snooze, you lose! He had a great game on October 3rd. Two great blocks resulted in two touchdowns and he had a great run of about 40 yards, ten of which he carried an opponent on his leg! The bad news is that in the LAST PLAY of the game, he tore his MCL and is now done for the season. Surgery is not needed, but he is in a brace. He thinks he is going to play the last game, but I don't think so!

1 comment:

Tara D. said...

Sorry about Dane missing the "spot". That stinks! But, I DO love the golf pics. :-)

Stink(!)about surgery for TJ, too!