Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter PICS and tomorrow is a BIG DAY!!!!!!

Coloring eggs!

My attempt at coloring eggs! I can drink it while I color it!

The Fab Five on Easter morning.

A good friend of mine loves to spoil my girls! At church, Miss. Denise (That is what the girls call her) gave them an Easter Bunny. It is a larger bunny holding a smaller bunny. Sarah has named the larger bunny "Kathy" and the smaller one "Sarah." Thanks Denise!

Lily with a chocolate in her mouth holding her new movie!

Sarah loved her new glasses...and her movie!

Lily reaching for an egg....all by herself!

This is Sarah being helped by Tyler in getting an egg out of the tree!

We colored eggs yesterday. I do not enjoy coloring eggs. I do enjoy watching my kids color eggs though! After we colored eggs we took the girls to church to see the Easter drama. Our church puts on a rather large production...over 200 people are in it! The girls sat through the enire thing. Sarah was full of questions (Why are the Pharisees like that? Will his booboos go away? Who is the man on the other cross and where did he go? And many more! Lily sat and sucked her thumb. We woke up this morning and went to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The girls were thrilled to put on their new dresses. The boys? They cooperated by not wearing t-shirts! Tom didn't have anything major witht he service this morning so we sat together as a family...a rare thing! We came home for a dinner. I hate to cook, but the ham was good enough. After lunch the boys took the girls upstairs while we hid baskets. TJ is too cool for that, but we hid it anyway! We then ended up hunting for eggs in our yard. I must admit that it was good to see the sun today!
Tomorrow is a BIG DAY for me! I remember when I experienced this day with Lily. When I wake up in the morning, I will be able to say, "Sarah has been with me longer than she lived in China without me!" We can't imagine life without her! I absolutely adore her!

Why is tomorrow a big day?

When I wake up in the morning, I will be able to proclaim, "Sarah has been with me longer than she was in China without me!" It's been a wonderful 22 months as she has transitioned smoothly into being the seventh Alexander!


Tara D. said...

What a beautiful family! I just love it!

Oh, how I recall the days when I could just pick any Easter dress and my daughter would wear it. Ha ha! No more "Mary Jane" shoes over here!

And kudos to the boys for wearing button-down shirts.

What a fun day for ya'll (and everyone!).

Enjoy your "Big Day"!

Jeff and Madeline said...

I love the new family pic! Wasn't last years pic that one on the sidebar? Man, time flies!

The girls look great! I am so glad that you allowed the coloring, I was contemplating why I told M about this tradition as she became Miss Lu Yan Se hands for three days!