Saturday, September 08, 2007

Oh, Where O where have I been these days?

Tyler was edging and must have been concerned about his eyes so he utilized the paintball protective wear...what a smart guy!

The girls just got these huge new stuffed animals from Pastor Tim at church...they loved them!

These are my "brown-eyed girls!" This was the night before the first day of preschool. Sarah refused to take my sunglasses off! As you can see, they weren't in the best of shape!

Lily was so excited to take some school supplies on her first day! She cried at the end of the morning when she was told that she couldn't take them back if we don't have tissues and ziploc bags at home!

I wanted a picture of each of the girls on the front porch on their first day of preschool, but Lily wouldn't cooperate. Sarah has my old glasses! I gave Tom a quick lesson on hair, but he flunked miserably! He was smart enough to bring a comb with him to school. I met him in the lobby so I could be part of the first day!

This is the photo of the girls and I on their first day of preschool. I was able to get out of lunch duty for a little while to meet them, fix their hair and walk them down to their classroom. They both did really well. I shouldn't be surprised since daddy works there. Mommy works there. Two brothers go to school there. We all go to church there. The only big difference is that they brough backpacks. Lily chose Cinderella and Sarah chose Spongebob.

I haven't posted much simply because we are just crazy busy with me going back to work, starting up a new Bible study, school, sports....such is life as the Seven Alexanders...the very busy seven Alexanders!


Pixel Fairy Princess said...

OMG ~ The girls have grown! I am so glad that they took to pre-school! I so understand the busy thing :D I took some time today and just did the digital scrapbook and it was so nice. I have been wondering about you guys and how teaching is going???

I love the brown-eyed girl shirts :D A blogger friend gave LiLi one and I just love it!

Ladybug hugs,

Jeff and Madeline said...

Glad to "see" you back! I know things must be crazy this month with trying to get into a new routine, I am glad the girls did well on their first day! They both are supercute!

Sorry we will miss you at the end of the month--hopefully next time!

Anonymous said...

They are ADORABLE. What an exciting first day for them! :-0