Thursday, September 13, 2007

Football, Cheerleaders and Car Art!

For some reason the new posting of photos makes it hard for me to comment under each photo. I'm sure I could figure it out, but I worked today and I'm just too tired!

I believe the first two photos are of the girls with pain on their hands. You see, we Alexanders like to do things a bit different. Some folks like to finger paint on paper....not us. We like to fingerpaint on our car...or minivan. The girls figured out on their own that if they use the sidewalk chalk on the drive and use a lot of it, add water, you get homemade paint! They managed to put their hands in it and place their signature all over the van! I love it! It is true art. Granted, we have a 1996 Ford Windstar...if it were something newer, I may not have allowed them to be so expressive! You see a few of the photos of the artwork. There is art on all four sides of the vehicle. When I'm out and about I wonder why folks are stairing at my van. I forget that it is a masterpiece on wheels!

The next photos are from our football game tonight. Dane played and wouldn't you know I only got one photo of him...from the back! Number 23 is small, but he is MIGHTY!!!!! The majority of the stands were amazed by two little girls that decided to join the cheerleaders. I got permission from the Cheer Coach. All I can say is that they (especially Lily) absolutely loved it! Anyone that truly knows me knows that anxiety exists when I think of my girls being cheerleaders. I have always been in sports and none of the stereotypical girly stuff has ever appealed to me! I'm much rather play cornerback that cheer! Oh, what will I do? I wish my girlfriend Kathi G. lived closer. She is so into that prissy stuff. The girls have brought so much joy and change in our home! To think that most of the clothes in our house were in the range of earthtones! Now we have an assortment of colors! And what is it with lipgloss? I may live dangerous and buy some chapstick from time to time, but I have never owned lipgloss! My girls LOVE lipgloss!

I also enjoy this photo of TJ with Lily. He is actually teaching her how to box. Well, I have a new appreciation for female boxers once I saw Miss. Ali on Dancing with the Stars. I guess I'd prefer a cheerleader over a boxer!

One of these days I am going to put aside posting on the family and post some thoughts. I'm still really into the "Hiders, Hurlers and Healer" thing so I may surprise my readers one day. I'm back teaching a Bible study on Wednesday nights. We are studying, "He Speaks To Me," a study by Priscilly Shrirer. She is the daughter of Tony Evans and is a phenominal teacher of the Word! The basic lesson of the book is that we often look to others to share with us what God wants to say to us when we have every opportunity to sit at His feet and have Him speak directly to us! We just have to make the time of prayer and study of His word. I'm so glad to be back in a study! I look forward to sharing what God has to say to me in the weeks ahead. Right now He is saying, "Get those kids to bed it is way too late for them to be up!" I'll be the obedient child and put my children to bed.

Blessings to all of you that take the time to check out the Seven Alexanders!

NOTE: Sorry for the double photo of the front of the car. I had to add the side view after I realized I forgot it and doubled the other.


Anonymous said...

You Alexander's just have a way of making me smile!!!

I love the artwork on the van....I think we should allow that at the next Guangdong reunion....too cute!!!

Ending my day with peace and JOY after stopping by your loving blog, thanks for always sharing your family with us ; )


Jeff and Madeline said...

Okay cool mom on the block, now I have to figure out how to skip the van photos when I show Madeline the rest! LOL You know she will be wondering when we can paint our car!

You are right, Lily looks like she is having a big time out there!

I so know what you mean, cheerleader is a bad word in our home. Yikes! Oh what to do. Well, so far Madeline's "cheers" are talking really loudly to her team (just like her Daddy) when they are doing something good. Currently we are into orange clothes with footballs on them, not cheerleader gear; she likes to wear what her Daddy and the team have on. Thank goodness for me!

Her Chapstick is her lip cover--thast started after she saw Grandma wearing lipstick--so at least I don't have to see it.

I think I see you attending football games in ten years for Lily--watching her on the sidelines!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

LOVE the artwork!! I bet you do get some stares but they are all probably thinking how cute it is!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

So adorable! Are you in Ohio? I am a Buckeye transplanted to Indiana. Loved watching OSU basketball last season!

Donna said...

Those handprints are tooooo cute!

(another Qinzhou Mom)

Anonymous said...

That bible study sounds great!

And...those are the cutest stinkin' cheerleaders I've seen in a long time! What a blessing I know they are!

MW :-)