Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

I decided to venture into a territory I have never tried to enter....cake baking. Sure, I'll make a cake, but never one with a theme! It doesn't look professional, but Sarah thought it was the best cake ever!
Sarah is our fifth child. I can't remember any of them being as excited as Sarah as she awaited the small celebration of her third birthday. She loved talking about it all day! It was so much fun to watch her soak in the attention. It was so much fun!

This our friend, Sydney. Sydney is the best hugger I know! When her little sister finaly gets here from China, she is going to be one little girl that will get plenty of lovin'!

Sydney and Sarah.

Princess Gwen, one of Sarah's best friends.

Sarah put her dress on about an hour before the first guests arrived. She kept in on until it was time for bed.

I've never seen so much pink in my house! There was pink everywhere!

Sarah got some money from Grandma Flo...she was happy with it!

Sarah and her Cinderella doll.

I caught Lily and Sydney dancing in the kitchen!

Today was so much fun! I enjoyed waiting the day away with Sarah as we prepared for a few friends for her mini-party. She was so excited! She wanted a Cinderella theme. I'm not a fan of the girl, but it is what she wanted so I obliged. We invited a few of her close friends; Sydney (with Aiyee), Gwenny and Megan (with Lorissa), Samuel (with Lane) and Addie (with Eesie). Of course, Lily and the boys were there with both Tom and I. The little girls wore princess dresses while Samuel wore his army clothes.....way to go Samuel! For some reason we didn't get pictures of everyone or the ones we did get were blurry....sorry.
I enjoy celebrating all of the birthdays of my kids...they each have a different story of their birth. Sarah was born on July 7, 2003 in Quinzhou City, Guangxi PR, PRC. I will never know the circumstance of her birth, but I know the circumstance of her coming to our family. It was in God's plan for Min Xiao Ning to be our Sarah! He knew about her from the beginning of time! Every night before we go to sleep I go through the same routine with the girls. First, we pray. Sometimes (depending upon my level of exhaustion) they are quick prayers! We then sing "Jesus Loves Me." I then go to each of them, cover them up and say, "Where do you want your kiss?" Lily usually picks a different spot on her face each night. Sarah always picks the right cheek! After I give them their kiss, they say to me, "Where do you want your kiss?" I usually pick my nose or my chin! I then go to the door and we exchange the same words to each other..."Good night, don't let the bedbugs bite," "Sweet Dreams," and "See you when the sun gets up." The final exchange is, "You are my joy." They certainly are my joy! Happy Birthday to Sarah, my youngest joy! You have brought many blessings to this family!

1 comment:

Jeff and Madeline said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!!! Looks like a super fun party--big smiles! We know you had a great party, now enjoy being three!!!