Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sarah's First Real Snow

Lily loved going down a snowy slide!

Having a strong brother comes in handy!

Sarah went down the slide, too!

Lily was ready to go.

Sarah wasn't so sure about the first!

Sarah was dressed and ready to go, but refused to walk on the snow.
This was the first real snow for us in Lancaster. We've had a few dustings over the past few weeks, but nothing worth getting bundled up to go outside. Sarah was born in Qinzhou City near Veitnam so she has never seen snow. She didn't care for it at first. She kept saying, "My boots are dirty, get my tennis shoes." We had a hard time convincing her that this snow wasn't dirty...not yet anyway. She started to have a change of heart as our older brother pulled her around on the sled. She was outside for about ten minutes and decided she rather go into the house and watch Mulan. I had enough of it myself so we left Ty and Lily out in the backyard and I took Sarah in and peeled the layers of clothes off of her. As soon as I got everything off, she went to the window to watch Ty and Lily have so much fun. She then decided that she wanted to go back out. In that moment, I would have moved to Florida in a heartbeat! I hate the dressing and undressing part of toddlerdom....sorry, but I do. I wasn't going to give in at first and then I decided to put Dane to work and let him help dress her. He also took her out to the backyard. This made for a great opportunity for me to make a run to the grocery store. I enjoyed the time alone....isn't that pathetic? Who would have ever thought pushing a cart down the aisles of a grocery store would be refreshing! When I came home, Dane was crying on the couch because Ty hit him in the eye with a snowball. Sitting in the corner, all bundled up, was Sarah. She was crying because she didn't want anyone but Mommy to take her snow pants and coat off. They are both watching Mulan before getting ready for bed. Me? I'm just going to cheer on my friend Idna's team.....the Colts. I'll cheer for them tonight because after tonight, I'm rootin' for the Bears!


Jeff and Madeline said...

Looks like a fun time! Madeline LOVES the snow. SHe just thinks it is the coolest thing and since I love snow too it is not so bad, but I hate the bundling and unbundling too--even for myself. Glad you got some alone time--what is that again???
Meaning to ask--Is that Lily on the webpage for your conference? Looks like her to me.
Anywho--have a great week!

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Wish we had a little white stuff! NOT! I not sure LiLi would like the snow - she more of a sun fun girl!


Anonymous said...

Happy first snowy day sweetie pie Sarah Jo....AND GO COLTS...hey, you, Missy K...I'll see you at the Super Bowl girlie...and after that game you will be posting your WAH, WAH, WAH' we Colts are gonna take down you Bears!!!! :)

Loves you,
Idna..who in Colts Land:) had enough snowman snow to build us a SNOWMAN <3<3<3