Saturday, January 30, 2010

Been thinking......

So, a good friend says to me, "God does not give us more than we can handle." Hmmmm. Been thinking about that. My conclusion is, "that's a bunch of bunk!" I have probably said that to others in the past and have made the commitment to never say that to someone EVER again! I don't know if my friend reads my blog, but if she does......sorry I didn't tell you personally about this "bunch of bunk" thing....but thanks for makin' me think!

Yes, I believe in God's sovereignty and I do believe that all things are filtered through His hands. So, God certainly has allowed things to happen in my life that he could have intervened to keep from happening. So, did he give me this thing that has been most heart-breaking to me in recent weeks? No. He has allowed these things to happen. I also believe that His grief is greater than mine! Back to that comment, "God does not give us more than we can handle." I already said I don't believe He has given me these things. I then think about what I can handle. The reality is that I can not handle the things that have happened in my life recently. I have had to come to the point of realizing that I can't handle it. It is only at this point that I come to the most important lesson and that is that I can only handle it through Him! I can't handle it! Through Him, I can. Freeing. Simply freeing.

I also have been thinking about each new "thing" that comes my way. I jokingly say to myself, "That didn't kill me," or "I'm still standin'," or "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" I'm glad I couldn't foresee the things that were coming my way. That would so ruin how I handled things! Had I had some ability to see down the road, I may have rushed through to get to the victory or I would have recoiled as I would certainly have been fearful to even walk through the challenging times. Instead, I get to to be wowed by what He has done and continues to do!

So, will the "next" thing kill me? Highly unlikely. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Am I as fearful? No, He has not given me a spirit of timidity.

Been thinkin'.


to sing and to dance (karen) said...

Thanks for the thoughts. I agree. If I would have known about my recent downfalls months earlier, I would not have lived "as normal". I would not have booked flights and hotel room to go to my Dad's surprise 70th. I would not have done a lot of things that I planned for and paid for already. SO glad I didn't know. And yes, giving it to God made it bearable, and took the fear away.
Some people have sorrow in their lives so deep that I do not think God intended to "give" them that situation. But, THRU God, we can handle anything.
Thank you, once again, for the thoughts.
You will be healed by your faith.

Anonymous said...

In total agreement that God does not "give" us things to handle but the grace to see it through. Don't know what all you are facing but do know that God is enough to see you through...there is an end. Prayers for His peace for you and your family.....blessings as well. Wanda

Anonymous said...

You are so right! Actually, I think that we are deceived when we believe we are "handling" anything in life at all. God is always carrying us and sometimes the storms are raging and sometimes we're on smooth seas. But, He's always got us in His grip...we just don't realize it as much when life is easy. As the song says.."sometimes God calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child..." I am so thankful that you are sensing God's calm during this time of pain. I thank God for you every day and you are in my prayers.