Sunday, May 20, 2007

We knew each other first as row mates! Now we are forever friends!

The photo above was taken in 2004 just before we travelled to China to pick up Lily. This is the bedroom that that housed nine of the little girls that were placed in their forever families on the same day...November 1, 2004. We travelled with these families and will be forever connected by the birthplace of our daughters! I don't think this photo has any of our girls in it, but it shows how the cribs are line up together. I got to visit the orphanage after we got Lily and was able to see the crib that was her bed for the first months of her life. There were about six cribs directly connected in "Lily's Row." Two of her row mates were Hannah and Ashley.
This photo is of Lily and her two row mates...Hannah and Ashley.

Oh, how far they have come!

The rowmates catching up and reminiscing of the old days in those crappy beds!

"Hey, rowmates...remember how we used to eat that thick concoction of rice cereal and formula and how they cut those big holes in the nipples so we'd suck it down quick so they could move on to feeding the other roommates of ours?! Well, I think we like french fries, hot dogs, chicken nuggets more!"

Forever friends!

Fake sleepers!

Yes, the little women had their own table and the older women had their own!

Hannah and Lily were not only rowmates, they were next door neighbors!

Silly Lily!

Hannah.....just a few days difference in age from Lily!

Ashley being silly! Ashley sat next to Lily on the return flight from China! It was great to land together. Although Theresa wasn't happy about it, I was happy that Ashley was outscreaming Lily on that landing!

Also in our little reunion was Sarah and Dane. Sarah made the trip to China with us in 2004 and shares in a lot of great memories. She's such a sweet little girl! Dane did a great job and helping out with the crew. In fact, he took most of these photos!

I was scheduled to work and Adoption Fair in Mason, Ohio yesterday and decided to make a fun day of it! Dane and Lily came along for the experience. Dane stayed and helped me at the conference while Lily went with the Horne family for the day. Hannah Horne and Lily were roommates in China and we had the special blessing of travelling with Dale and Rachel to pick up our girls on the same day. Lily had a great time and started to panic when I arrived at 3:30...she did not want to leave. We were planning on spending a few more hours together. It wasn't long after I arrived that Theresa arrived with Ashley. Theresa was also in our travel group with her husband John. Ashley was a roommate to Lily as well.
It was a great time as we visited. The older girls (myself, Rachel and Theresa) enjoyed our visit while the younger girls played and got to know each other. What a great day!
We are looking forward to joining more of our travel group in July as we get together for a renion in Ownesboro, Kentucky. It is getting to be a lot of fun now that the girls are getting older and able to actually play together!


Jeff and Madeline said...

That is so awesome and one reason I am so glad to maintain such a friendship with you--not the only reason obviously. Due to you and I basically travelling alone to Nanning, no real travel mates to get our girls, Sarah and Madeline, I am glad we can keep a connection due to the same orphanage, guide, and being fostered.
Thanks friend for sharing your other beautiful friends. Lily looks like she had a great time!

Funny, Michele was a King's Island yesterday.

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

What a great story :D So nice to have friend who share our daughters heritage! We are headed down to Mobile in a week to see Anna and Natalie!

BTW - It's not Ohio ~ I'd really be going out of my way to get to Michigan then. Luck for us I-75 is a straight shot to where we go in Michigan :D Oh - and I do like Ohio - there are some totally cool place there that we have visited!