Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dane!

It was a Sunday morning eleven years ago that Dane was born! I was six weeks from my projected delivery date and standing at my closet wondering what on earth I was going to wear to church that morning....I was so BIG!!! Tom had already left for church so I was home alone with the other boys. TJ (4 1/2) was still in bed and Ty (3) was following me around the house. Due to some health concerns, I was not allowed to be more than 15 miles away from our hospital and was put on a lot of restictions. That morning as I stood at my closet as I had a weird sensation...I thought my water broke, but that wasn't it. The situation called for me to call a neighbor to run me to the hospital. I quickly realized that it was much worse than I had imagined so I called another friend to go get Tom and then I called 911. What a joy it was to be flat on my back in all by glory as five EMTs took care of me (why did I need five?) I knew the placenta ruptured and I just kept saying, "Take me to the hospital as soon as possible!" Of course, they had to go through their routine of checking me and hooking me up to an IV. I'm thankful for friends that stepped it up for us! One friend went to church to get Tom. Another went to the hospital to meet me in case Tom couldn't make the 15 mile drive in time. And another took care of the boys and cleaned my house as it was not a pleasant sight giving the medical issue I had!

My health was at stake so they needed to get Dane out as soon as possible. We like to joke that I got to the hospital at 9:15 just after the start of the first service at church and they were able to announce his birth by the start of the second service at 10:30! Dane had some minor health concerns and stayed in the NICU for about 11, that was hard!

Dane is such a great kid and brings a great deal of joy to all of us! He's smart, funny, talented, kind, loving and the list could go on forever! Happy Birthday William Dane Alexander! We love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Godson! You were the cutest baby. Nice tongue sticking out. I was on vacation when you decided to come early. I called Mom almost every day to see how you both were doing. I couldn't wait to get home to see your beautiful face and you were so tiny. Well that face is still beautiful and you have grown up into such a wonderful big boy. Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Sorry my first note didn't post yesterday Lovey, I must not have hit the publish button. Hope you had fun yesterday.

Love you,

Jeff and Madeline said...

Wow Kathy what a great (not in the sense of a great thing that happened, but that you shared it in such a great way)story. Sorry I am posting this a bit late, but HAPPY B-DAY Dane! What a handsome young man you have--well, three.
Hope he had a fun day!