Sunday, September 05, 2010

First Day of School

Dane, Sarah, Lily and Ty on the first day of school!
Ty on the first day of his FINAL year of school!
Dane is way too cool for the ninth grade!
Lily at her desk in Mrs. Neff's class.

                                                     Sarah at her desk in Miss. Cassidy's class.

The 2010-11 school year began on August 23rd.  I haven't had a working computer in a while so I am late getting things posted.  The girls were excited to start the first grade at Fairfield Christian Academy.  Both of the girls were thrilled with the teacher they were assigned to this year.

Dane is a freshmen....yikes!  Tyler is starting his senior year....double yikes!

I have subbed a few days at their school so I get to see them on occasion....which is fun!

1 comment:

Tara D. said...

They're all so grown up!