Saturday, July 10, 2010

Guangdong Reunion

Hannah and Lily
Lily, Hannah and Chloe.....November 2004
Red Couch Photo of 2004
Chloe, Hannah and Lily.  There were over 60 cribs in the Yangjiang SWI.  Our nine girls were spread throughout that room, but these three were cribmates!  Hannah was in the crib between Lily and Chloe.  Having been there twice, I'm thinking they probably rolled into each others cribs from time to time!
(See photo above from 2004)
Our lame attempt at re-enacting the red couch photo.  Left to right front row:  Chloe L, Lilianna, Lily, Jasmine, Joy, Chloe C.  Left to right back row: Ruthie, Kendall, Rylie and Hannah
(See Red Couch Photo from 2004 above)
This is a photo of the girls and the siblings that came along for the reunion.  Let's see...four siblings from China, one sibling from Ethiopia and four made in the USA.
Slow boat from China!
Lily giving Hannah a hug goodbye...well, it was one of many hugs goodbye!
This is Lily with Hannah and Joy

Every year we have a reunion with the families that travelled to China together to adopt in 2004...Lily's adoption.  Twelve families spent over two weeks together touring Beijing prior to travelling to Guangdong Province to recieve our girls.  The twelve girls met their families on November 1st, 2004.  Nine of the girls were from Yangjiang SWI and the other three were from...oops...can't remember that name.  We spent most of our trip at the White Swan on the seventh floor. 

It has been exciting to see the girls together!  It takes a few minutes for the girls to warm up to each other, but then they act like they have been friends on a daily basis!  I am really enjoying seeing these relationships continue.  Tom and I enjoy the fellowship with the adults that became friends through this special connection.  We share many stories from our travel days.

It is also exciting to see how the families change from year to year!  Some continue to add new family members!

Guangdong Families....we love you!  See you next year!


JMS said...

Great pics and great words I almost fell like I was there...oops, I was...Oh well it is even better the second time around

Tara D. said...

All such beautiful girls. God is amazing!