Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A little bit of Ty, a lot of candy!

Ty after being inducted into the National Honor Society. He is with Chris, the upper classmen that pinned him.

Part of the NHS group of Fairfield Christian Academy.

Ty with the girls at the reception after the NHS ceremony.

Ty turned 16 on November 21st! I know...it is a pathetic cake!

Lily and Sarah at their post for the candy making process!

Lily "doing her job."

The hand of a master candy maker....Tom!

The art of making candy! It's a pretty picture! Sarah or Lily is pulling the stick through the screen!

I love this pictue of Sarah through the screen!

Britney (one of my nieces) puts the candy on the stick and hands it to the dippers...Tom and Brianna (another niece).

A recent photo of the Fab Five!

We'll start from the top down. Tyler was inducted into the National Honor Society in late November. He's a super smart kid...we are really proud of him! I NEVER have to tell him to do his homework!!!!! Also, on November 21st, Tyler turned 16! He's been driving for several months on his permit. We hope to allow him to take the driving class this spring.

There are many blessings that have come my way through marrying into the Alexander family. Maybe one day I will actually write about some of those blessings. One of the things I've been able to participate in a few times over the years is the candy making process at Christmas time. I enjoyed taking a few pictures of the process this year. This is the first time Lily and Sarah got to participate! Mom makes several flavors of candy. The candy is rolled and placed on was paper. The center leaves of the table are removed and replaced with screens with wax paper on top. Someone puts the candy on the sticks and hands the sticks to the the dippers. The dippers dip and send the sticks through the paper and the screen where smaller hands gently pull the sticks through. They then hand the sticks to the person who is putting the candy on the sticks. The girls enjoyed sitting under the table "doing their job!" Me? I enjoyed taking the pictures and eating the candy!

On another note, I am workig through some back problems. I won't go into all of the details because it would take too long. A little while back I found out that what I thought was a thoracic strain was actually three herniated discs. I've gone through several procedures and still haven't found much relief. I welcome any prayers as I try to figure out how best to deal with this.

I have not put together Christmas cards as of yet! Isn't that terrible?! I hope to get it done, but it is highly unlikely at this point. If I don't get around to it, I will at the very least post a "Merry Christmas" message on our blog!



Tara D. said...

Kathy...your kids are growing up soooo fast. Enjoy every minute of it. I loved seeing all the pics. The girls under the table, the fab 5 photo...love it! And...the honor society? Congrats to Ty! You should be so proud! :-)

Deb in MT said...

Hi Alexanders! I love the candy making process...very ingeneous!! Sarah looks so grown up already.

Happy holidays to all of you. Hugs from MT. Deb M.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the second and last pic of Ty I would swear (but I don't) that it was Tom Alexander with hair.

I didn't get cards out this year because I was in China and then in jet lag to really care if I did or didn't.

I have a cool story to tell you...I'll email soon.