Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lily's Birthday and Ty's Cavs Adventure

This is Tyler before the big game....Tyler, Aaron and Kyle. It is saw cool to know your boy want to hang with good guys like them!

Tyler and his buddies after the big win by the Cavs!

This is Lily and Sarah with Addi. Addi is really special to both of the girls. When we went to China to get Sarah, Lily stayed with Addi. Addi is the type of girl I want my girls to be like when they grow up!

Lily taking a look at the gift bags and cake.

Lily loves her jewelry box!

Tyler will be turning 16 on November 21st. His birthday wish was to take two of his buddies to Cleveland to see the Cavs play. They had a great time.

Lily's birthday was a busy day! It started out with being her "snack day" at preschool. On birthdays they allow them to bring in cupcakes.

Lily wanted a CHinese birthday this year. I'm struggling through some back issues so I wasn't looking forward to doing much. I wimped out and reserved the back room at a local Chinese restaurant her in town. I went early to set up and glad I did because the Health Department had closed them down! I went down the road to Lily's favorite Chinese restaurant and they were wonderful about setting something up in the next 30 minutes! She had a great time with the girls from the preschool classes from school.

Later that night we had a family cake with Lily. Sadly, we were not all home until 8:30 p.m. so most of us were dressed for bed!

If you have time to watch the video of Lily opening Sarah's gift, it is precious! Lily has wanted a Queen Ester doll for quite some time. In a time of Disney Princess overload, it is refreshing to see my girls want a doll like Queen Esther! (Sarah got one from a friend that same day!) THe girls love her! Who wouldn't? Yeah, well my favorite Disney Princess is Belle. Belle has beauty and spunk. But Queen Esther?! It was her beauty and character that won the heart of Persia's king! She was a gifted woman who combined courage with careful planning! She was a woman that was more concerned for others than for her own security. The most awesome part is that Queen Esther is so very real in our history! She's the perfect role model for young girls! I want my girls to understand that sometimes serving God often requires that we risk our own security. I want them to know from that God has a purpose for the situations in which God places us! And being the planner that I am....I want them to know that courage is important, but should not replace careful planning! If you aren't familiar with this true story, check it out. You'll find in right between Nehemiah and Job!

So, it is believed that Lily was found outside the orphanage gate on the day she was born....November 17, 2003. It moves my heart to know that the baby at the gate of the orphanage five years ago is now five years old and looking at a Queen that knew God and was faithful to Him. Oh how I know she will do great things for Him!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Seventh Floor girlfriend:)!!!

Love you so, Kathy, and reading Lily's post reminds me time and again why I'm blessed by you!!!


Enoch and Marissa said...

I love it--Lily is such a cutie!!! You're right, it is fantastic that your girls would want to play with an Esther doll...who ever heard of such a thing? How much better is it that they look up to a character out of the Bible than a character out of a cartoon?

Take care of your back. About a month ago, my back went out for several days, and I was still in pain 'till recently. That is no fun! I'll be praying for full health.

Tara D. said...

I love birthdays! So much fun! Looks like it was a great time! :-)

Nicole 妮可 said...

Hey, thanks for the support on the blogging front... :) He is such a ham.

Good times good times -

Anonymous said...

We just got back from a two week trip to China. Thought of you and girls quite often while there.
We went to Shang Hai and Beijing.

I met a couple thats fosters failure to thrive babies...Corrie is one they have now. Pls pray for her. She is 9 months old, but looks as if she is 2 months.

I'll get their blog to you as soon as I can find it...I think I might have washed it. :-)

Hope you are doing well.