Monday, August 04, 2008

Boys Only!

No, it isn't Tom and the beanstalk! Tom found this weed growing up through one of the bushes in our front yard! I'm sure there is a sermon illustration in this photo!

Well, here it is.........TJ and his first car!

This was the last day of Tyler in braces!!! I meant to get an "after" photo...maybe next time!

Dane is part of a local violin group that plays at different places in the community. We love Mrs. Thellar, his teacher! She scheduled them to play at one of the local shelters in town. They played all of their fiddle music...what a hoot!

Dane playing the violin at the local shelter in town!

Sorry, I still don't have the backcountry hiking photos! We are spoiled with digital cameras! I still have to have someone scan and email the photos to me to post. I added a few videos from a recent 7 on 7 football tournament that TJ was in at Akron University. He did a great job and is looking forward to football season starting. Enjoy a boy posting!


Tara D. said...

I love the violin photos. I played from Kindergarten through 6th grade. :-)

Nice car color!

Jeff and Madeline said...

Cool car TJ! Love the all boy post--well, minus Lily with Tom (that is Lily is it not, I don't have my glasses on!)

M says the videos were too quick! lol

ABout time woman! People were going think you had made the boys up! just kidding.