Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

This was taken on Preschool Graduation Day way back in May!

Lily in the sprinkler!

This is Sarah "post-sprinkler."

I love the photo above of Sarah.

Yes, the cake looks a bit like last years cake......with an extra candle! Can I just say that I'm glad I can crop pictures! The original had this fat lady in a bathing suit holding the cake......had to get that off!

Sarah gives the "thumbs up" for turning four!

Birthday Girl in the pool!

Dane and Lily in the pool!

Our computer has been down for well over a week so I am way behind. Let me first apologize once again that I take way too many pictures of my girls and not enough of my boys! It just seems that I don't have the camera around when they are around! My next post is going to include only pictures of the guys in my life!

Sarah turned 4 on July 7th. We had a small swim party at the home of a good friend. Sarah had a did the other kids.

Update on TJ's car. We had great reports from car guys from church that it is a great car. Well, two days ago something happened and we are hoping some guy named "Bob" on the west side of town can doctor it up so TJ can drive it again. I will post a picture of TJ with his wheels in the next post.

Tom, Ty and Dane survived their vacation! The spent a few nights backcountry hiking in the Smoky Mountains. It was Dane's first backcountry hike. THey didn't see any bears, but the weather was great! As soon as they got out of the woods, they claimed the van (which was being repaired by a local garage), showered and went to Golden Coral. They then spent four more days doing some day hikes through the mountains.....even a few shorter, more strenuous hikes. I think they did about 45 miles in hiking while they were gone. Tom can't say enough about spending all of that quality time with Ty and Dane.

The girls were thrilled to have their prince (Dad) home!

As for me...I survived my time at home with the girls and TJ. Tom and I both had some challenges in the last week. I continue to rely on God's soveriegnty in my life! I could not imagine living any other way!

Enjoy the photos! Check back in a few days with pics from the Hike and the car!


Deb in MT said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

From your Mother's Love friend, Anna Muller

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I can't believe how BIG they both are :D

Oh - BTW - I have 20 times more images of Li Li than Ian :D So it is not just you.

Ladybug hugs,

Jeff and Madeline said...

Happy B-day Sarah!!! Looks like a great party!

The girls look beautiful! I love the close-ups of them.

Glad to see you back!

Can't wait to see the pics of TJ's car. I am sure he is proud!

Glad the men are back safe and sound too!

Tara D. said...

So many cute pics.!

I am in bed with a virus of some sorts...MISERABLE. Fever and all. I haven't had a fever in 8 years. I don't like bing sick! :-(