Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Daddy and Daughter Day, Disney and Dane

Lily enjoying her new toy!

Sarah enjoying her new toy!

Lily was mesmorized by the entire show!

All three of the girls were into the show.

This is Gwen, Sarah and Lily just as they arrived for Disney Princesses on Ice!

This is Dane on a big moment in his life....the first day he was permitted to sit in the front passenger seat!

Tom and the girls on Daddy and Daughter Day!

A lot has been going on in our house and I wouldn't really know where to begin so I'll simply write about these photos. I work two days each week. I'm really fortunate to have my work schedule in such a way that the girls really aren't suffering! They have preschool on both days that I work. Tom stays home and gets them ready for school and takes them on both days. He is off on one of those days so he gets to spend the afternoon with his girls.....Daddy and Daughters Day! The other day they get to go spend the afternoon with one of their favorite adult friends...Lorissa and her two daughters Gwen and Megan.

Gwen will be celebrating a birthday soon so Lorissa decided a great way to celebrate would be to take the girls to see Disney Princesses on Ice. Sarah and Lily were so excited! Me? Well, I'm not a princess kind of girl, but I must admit that I enjoyed watching my girls watch the show! They barely moved throughout the entire program! The rest of the photos are of them before and during the show. What is it about girls and princesses anyway? The day after the show we went to spend time with a friend of mine in Columbus and her two girls...also adopted from China. On the way back I stopped at my favorite shoe store...Frontrunner. They sell running shoes and clothing. No, I don't run anymore, but many of you readers would be surprised if I told you how many track meets, cross country meets, roadraces and the like that I have competed the day! I have a particular shoe that I buy from there that isn't sold here in town. Anyway, as the young sales guy was putting my shoe on my foot and lacing it up, Lily says, "Mommy, is he your prince?" I said, "Now, you know mommy only has one prince in her life!" She then said, "Well, he's good at tieing shoes then." Gotta love my girls!

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