Thursday, March 15, 2007

Alexander cuts, too!

Alecia getting started on Lily's hair.
Your beautiful, it's true!

Alecia getting started on Sarah.

Still working on her.

So beautiful, too!
Our special friend, Alecia.

Jammie time.

Jammie Time II

Have you ever seen more beautiful heads? Even from the
back they are beautiful!
Well, it seems like I haven't been blogging in such a long time. I don't have any real reason exept that I'm busy with the crew that God has blessed us with!
TJ is busy trying to get his grades up so he can get his drivers liscense. We won't let him unless he has all A's and B's on his report card. He isn't running track this year, but is lifting weights every day at school to prepare for the next football season. He is enjoying his new drums.
Ty is running track and should be starting baseball soon. He works hard at school. He is also in the school drama this Spring.
Dane is working hard at school and violin. He is skipping baseball this year, but I've signed him up with some private basketball lessons with a retired basketball!
The girls are doing well. We got hair cuts today. Before anyone gets frustrated with me for cutting Sarah's hair, just know it was in her best interest. She has never had a hair cut and had a lot of broken strands of hair. They made it difficult to comb out her hair every morning. We consulted with our good friends Alecia and she thought it would be good to cut it a bit shorter. We all like it.
Be sure to check out the videos I added below!


Anonymous said...

I love the haircuts!! They are beautiful girls. Lily telling Sarah to "hold on MaiMai" while swinging almost made me cry. I know they love each other.

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

The hair cuts are to cute - love the bobs! I really do like LiLy's curls - they are perfect!

Deb in MT said...

Oh! I love the haircuts ...and I'm GREEN with envy since Sarah, who is the same age as Anna, has such lovely thick, long hair! We're still cultivating every sprig of hair we can get! I can't wait for my tot to have hair that pretty!

Debbie M.